Blessed James Alberione


04 April 1884, San Lorenzo di Fossano in Alba, Cuneo, North Italy.

Christian Initiation

Baptism: 05 April 1884, the following day of his birth.

First Communion: 1892

Confirmation: 15 November 1893


Christian, hard-working farmer, and financially poor.  He was the fifth child of a six-children family. Parents: Papa Michele and Mama Teresa.


Fragile and delicate. He was brought up with great care and attention.


Primary school at the age of six. He had already wanted to be a priest at school age.  He was the best pupil in his class. 

In 1896, at twelve, he joined the minor seminary of Bra. After a few years, the young James had developed a habit of reading many books, magazines, and novels, some of which had confused, disturbed, and discouraged him. He was not performing well in his studies. He was then dismissed food goods from the seminary of Bra on 7 April 1900. A few months later, under the guidance of his parish priest, Fr Montersino, James was helped overcome his crisis and start to pursue his vocation again.  In October 1900, at sixteen, James was admitted to the Seminary of Alba. 

James graduated in theology from the School of Theology of Genoa in 1908. 

The Great Night

In the Cathedral of Alba, during a vigil of adoration before the Eucharist between 31 December 1900 and 01 January 1901, the young seminarian felt the impulse of the Spirit to dedicate himself to a special mission. With that light from the Eucharist, he had a better understanding of the invitation of Jesus (Come to me all of you - Mt 11:28). He understood the heart of the Pope, the invitations of the Church, the true mission of the priest, the duty to be true apostles of today, using the means of social communications. He felt ready to prepare himself to do something for the Lord and the people of the new century.


Ordained priest on 29 June 1907 and served as assistant to the parish of San Bernardo in Narzole. In 1908, Fr Alberione received the position of professor and spiritual director of the seminarians from his Bishop


On 26 November 1971, at the age of 87, Fr Alberione died in silence in his room after his condition was aggravated by bronchitis, pneumonia, and kidney failure. Just before breathing his last, Pope Paul VI visited him, kneeling at the bedside, praying and giving Fr Alberione absolution.


On 20 December 2002, Pope John Paul II read the Decree of Beatification of the Venerable James Alberione and solemnly proclaimed him blessed at St Peter's Square on 27 April 2003. The feast day was 26 November, the anniversary of his death.

To know more:  

James Alberione

A marvel of our times (Pope Paul VI)

Cathedral San Lorenzo of Alba

Everything comes from the Eucharist.

 It's from the Tabernacle that the Pauline Family was born, lives and has its strength and source of its sanctity.

Three iconic churches built by Blessed James Alberione

Temple of Saint Paul 

in Alba

Sanctuary Mary Queen of the Apostles 

in Rome

Church of the Divine Master

in Rome 

Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed James Alberione

Most Holy Trinity,

you wanted to rekindle in the Church the apostolic charism of Saint Paul by revealing yourself to Blessed James Alberione, Founder of the Pauline Family, through the light of the Eucharist.

Grant that the presence of Christ the Master, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, radiate itself in the world through Mary, Queen of the Apostles.

Glorify in your Church this apostle of the new evangelization and inspire men and women to be open to the signs of the times and who, following his examples, may work with the modern means of communication to bring to you the whole humanity.

Through the intercession of Blessed James, grant me the grace I now ask...

Glory be to the Father...