Ten Branches of the Pauline Family
Society of Saint Paul
The Society of Saint Paul is a religious congregation comprised of religious priests and lay consecrated (called Disciples of the Divine Master). They are active in many fields: editorial and bookstores, journalism, cinematography, television, radio, audiovisual, multimedia, telematics, studies centres, research, formation, and animation.
Daughters of Saint Paul
A Congregation of consecrated religious women who evangelize with the instruments of social communication. Present on all the world's continents, the Daughters of St. Paul dedicate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel with the ardour of the Apostle Paul, from whom they take their name and missionary style. They are communicators of the Gospel.
Pious Disciples of the Divine Master
Their mission in the Church springs from one source and is directed toward one goal: the love of Jesus living in the Eucharist, in the Priesthood and the Liturgy. In a communication culture, we promote liturgical and artistic formation so that the Christian community may live, pray, and celebrate in dignity and beauty, attaining full communion with God, with others and with creation.
Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd
Our specific charism is to share in the pastoral mission of Christ, building up Christian communities in communion with the Pastors of the Church and in collaboration with those who are dedicated to pastoral care. The ministry that we perform springs from the love of the Lord and his Church and finds expression in evangelization, catechesis, liturgical animation, formation of pastoral associates, and other forms of service according to the needs of the times and places.
Institute of Mary, Queen of Apostles for the vocation
The Queen of the Apostles Institute for Vocations is a religious congregation of sisters in the Church called to look after vocations so that each person may find the meaning of life and their place in the world. Founded on 8 September 1959, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Institute of Jesus the Priest
It is for the diocesan clergy. Many priests feel the need for a more profound spirituality, for a spiritual family to belong to, for a life more committed to perfection, embracing the evangelical counsels. And they seek this while remaining in their ministry in the Diocese, for the spiritual life with the great gift of the profession and the apostolate. - Blessed James Alberione.
Institute of Saint Gabriel the Archangel
The Institute of Saint Gabriel the Archangel is a male institute of consecrated life. It includes celibate men, consecrated with the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, to sanctify themselves and evangelize in the family and the professional sphere. It takes its name from the Angel of the Annunciation, "patron saint of the instruments of social communication", to underline its apostolic purpose: to bring the message of salvation to today with today's means.
Institute of Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation
We are women consecrated to all effects because we profess the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience while remaining in the world. Outside, we don't show anything as we don't wear a dress or live in the community. We each remain in our environment of life, work, and apostolic commitment. The advantage of this is the possibility of bringing Jesus Christ, whom we love, into all environments: homes, offices, factories, schools, families, etc.
Holy Family Institute
The Institute of the Holy Family is made up of Christian spouses. The condition of the members is secularity because they aspire to evangelical perfection in the world according to their state and exercise the apostolate "working from the depths of earthly realities". Members tend to imitate the lifestyle of the Family of Nazareth more deeply with the help of the Holy Spirit.