
In the Pauline Family, formation never ends. Studiosita is an attitude recommended by the founder, Blessed James Alberione, to always seek the truth by continually studying.  The Pauline Cooperators adopt the same characteristics to avail their heart, will and minds to acquire knowledge by learning and doing. Following the guidelines from the Statute of the Association of the Pauline Cooperators, their formation should, but not be limited to, cover the topics listed below. 

Module 1: Human Formation

Part 1: Self-awareness

Part 2: Relationship

Module 2: Christian Formation

Part 1: Baptism as Incorporation in Christ

Part 2: The Call to Discipleship

Part 3: To live the spirit of the Beatitude

Module 3: Apostolic Formation

Part 1: Role of the Laity in the Church

Part 2: Co-responsibility of the Lay Faithful in the Church

Module 4: Pauline Cooperators

Part 1: The Founder: Blessed James Alberione

Part 2: The Pauline Cooperators in the Pauline Family in the mind of the Founder

Part 3: The Statutes of the Association of Pauline Cooperators

Module 5: Pauline Spirituality

Part 1: Spirituality

Part 2: Spirituality of Saint Paul

Part 3: Pauline Spirituality according to Blessed Alberione

Module 6: Pauline Prayers

Part 1: Book of Prayers of the Pauline Family

Part 2: Secret of success

Part 3: Pauline Offertory

Part 4: Via Humanitatis

Module 7: Centrality of the Eucharist and the Word of God

Part 1: Eucharist and Christian Life

Part 2: Eucharist and Ecclesial Life

Part 3: Eucharist and the Pauline Family

Part 4: The Bible

Part 5: Lectio Divina

Module 8: Pauline Practices of Piety

Part 1: Piety

Part 2: Pauline Piety

Part 3: Prayer

Part 4: Liturgy of the Hours

Part 5: Meditation

Part 6: Holy Mass

Part 7: Eucharist Visit

Part 8: Examination of Conscience

Part 9: Sacrament of Reconciliation

Part 10: Monthly Reconciliation and Annual Retreat

Module 9: Life of the Pauline Saints

Part 1: Blessed James Alberione

Part 2: Blessed Thimothy Giaccardo

Part 3: Venerable Andrea Borello

Part 4: Servant of God Maggiorino Vigolungo

Part 5: Venerable Tecla Merlo

Part 6: Servant of God. Scholastica Rivata

Part 7: Venerable Francesco Chiesa

Module 10: Pauline Lifestyle

Module 11: Pauline Apostolate

Part 1: Apostolate

Part 2: Pauline Apostolate

Part 3: Kinds of Apostolate

Part 4: Apostolate of Media of Social Communication

Part 5: Encyclicals, Decrees, Letters and Exhortations on the Media of Social Communication of the Pope John Paul II

Module 12: Branches of the Pauline Family

Part 1: The Society of Saint Paul

Part 2: The Daughters of Saint Paul

Part 3: The Pious Disciples of the Divine Master

Part 4: The Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd

Part 5: The Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles

Part 6: The Aggregated Institutes